Facilitates Local Action & Global Networking
Two decades together with community, UDYAMA (www.udyama.org) facilitates an enabling environment towards resilient development in India. Little evidence based initiatives have been reflected at ground and engaging partner NGOs , multiple stakeholders and carved out good gain knowledge on Resilience & Adaptation Process and more intend to do. Learning-Linking-Leveraging Resources to Livelihoods are the core areas that has scaled and replicated in urban, coastal, rural, tribal hinter lands. Founded in 1997 UDYAMA primarily aims towards strengthening and building capacities of local communities towards rejuvenating human, ecological, social, economical capital & well-being improvement with a view to changing the culture of cultivating solutions towards Resilience in blending with time honored improved technology transformation with well articulated development communication incorporating inclusion, innovations to address next development challenges with a broader objective :
- To link to the broader view of Poverty & poverty alleviation that goes beyond just income
- Highlight the crucial role of ‘local context’ and how this influences the asset base, No Action is Small, Small Is Big
- Give space to local perspectives, Local Action - categorize the strategies that make up their livelihoods.
- Build on what exists - integrated perspective that unites the concepts of economic development with inclusion process
- Facilitate Risk informed Development & Catalyze Agents of Change, Cultivating commitments for insulating solutions community resilience.
Activity Verticals that connect collaborate, converge with constituents :
Landscape Based ecological advancement towards larger food system
Community Climate adaptation to responsive development in harmony with Nature-Water-Culture, Crafts-Life Style ,Habitation & Settlements
Inclusion of Women & Children towards WASH & innovation in Education
Application of Digital Learning & ICT access , knowledge transformation
Life Cycle based Skill Development for sustainable communities
Ecosystem based Model building on wise water use & watersheds
Nature based adaptation connecting to Nutrition Fortification
Cross Sector Integration resolution for people & planet
Promoting Groups/collectives ,Farmers Field Schools, entrepreneurship
Mainstreaming Resilient Process integrating with Green Energy
Low Carbon Development Strategies & School for Carbon minus
Gearing Greening , local biodiversity conservation, waste recycle, reuse,
Advocacy on reducing urban poverty & city resilience
Minimizing Distress Migration at source/destination
Practicing Do No Harm , Peace, Community Harmony & Justice
Citizen Action on climate Justice , Fair Climate Initiatives
Preventing degradation, Desertification & Ecological Sustainability
Mainstreaming DRR ,Minimizing loss of lives, infrastructures
Undertake a circular and science-based approach to reinvent and innovate Adaptation Process
Climate Change Modeling , Institution building engaging multiple stake holders
Enabling environment for PLWHIV/PDWs for elimination social stigma discrimination
Result Based Management Training , Study, Research & capacity building, connecting to networking,
Our approach aimed at providing as a catalyst to support people to reduce disasters or vulnerabilities :
Prepare for, plan to withstand and recover from stresses, shocks & drudgery
Take in hand root causes of degradations & disasters , impacts and vulnerabilities with lasting solutions
Adaptive Action Research , entrepreneurships and Innovation focused on the challenges and opportunities.
Affiliations & Alliances:
With our steady and sustained effort on resilient development process, UDYAMA has bagged UNECOSOC status, Accredited to UN-Global Compact, UN-CONGO, UNISDRR, 10YFP-UNEP,CTCN UN STP, UNSBC,UNSFS, UNFCCC, GEF, UNCCD,CIVICUS, ESP, WOCAT, UNURBAN GATE-WAY, Global Citynet ,GWP ,UN FAO,IFAD, stakeholders ’forum, NIOS, GoI-NPO , TISS-CSR HUB, IICA, FICCI, CII, WCC,, weAdapt, CANSA,GNDRR, ACCCRN, WSSCC, End EWP, SAMHITA, SWA, CAF, CDRN, AADRRN, GACC, CLEAN ,SPHERE-India. Water-Allies. International Awardees for Environment from Kyobo Foundation, Seoul & e-NGO award & Best NGO for water harvesting by UNESCO.
Our Value System:
UDYAMA attempts consistently to build back better & capital building that can rejuvenate the resource base for a sustained process to live with dignity & address Next Development Challenges for a lasting solution towards resilient development & ecological Sustainability.
Key Achievements
- 3500 nos-Micro-models on water related projects on Harvesting, restoration & Recharge
- 25-CBOs-engaged for Resilient livelihoods scale-up
- 8000 Distress migrants registered & provided ID card
- 2000 nos- distressed-migrant skilled & self-engaged
- 20 nos-women-collectives engaged in Nutrition farming & Gearing Greening
- 2000 hectares-adopted resilient-farming with science led livelihoods towards soil carbon absorption-
- 500-hectares-pulses -under NFSM & Soil Nutrition
- 10000-hectares-local biodiversity-protection for carbon Sequestration, & availing regulated forest foods/products
- 3500-Home-solar-lighting-system part of Green energy supporting children to read more & women to do more work
- 3500-fuel-efficient-cooking-stoves under Low emission development Strategies [LEDS) in minimizing Health hazards of rural women & children
- 45-schools practicing sanitation, nutrition , hygiene in inculcating Environment education,
- 200- groups engaged backyard nutrition promotion & household waste & water management
- 05-Citizen-Action, Climate Justice/Resilience committed for undertaking action on Deepening governance on water-nature-culture- craft- lifestyle support to localizing SDGs
- 25-onion shades leveraged from Government as post harvest technology
- 480-nos of treadle-pumps for lifting water without power consumption as part of water governance
- 09-Biogas plant & solar-drier distributed part Renewable Energy Initiative & part of circular economy
- 01-nos of solar-energy-centre catering 28 HHs As part of power governance for tribal communities
- 05 nos FPOs Promoted towards minimizing distress sale & market linkage and value added of local products in western
- 10-nos-ICT-KIOSKs for digital weather information climate risks, to undertake risk informed resilient livelihoods practices
- 90750 -COVID Vaccine Readiness, preparedness, resilience & recovery- with added CAB protocol advocacy, undertaking social protection campaign & immunity boosting for all
Key Strategies:
UDYAMA strives for four strategic directions to maximize livelihood diversification, risk reduction:
Private-Public -Partnership with various like-minded institutions/organizations for specific themes
Institution Building & Process Development through social and economic empowerment
Facilitating to enabling environment for risk reduction and livelihood promotion
Program diversity with value based assurance and insurance.